IBC. Inc.

IBC Manifest Test Request

  • Please make sure that your manifest file contains the necessary field types.
  • See IBC Manifest Format for details.
  • Please limit your test data between 50-100 shipment records
  • You can only upload CSV or TXT files to this form

You can also use the Manifest Test API to submit your tests via JSON request.

IBC Air AMS Quick Reference


The IBC Air AMS manifest format is a CSV (Text based) file. On the standard format used for CFS and ECCF clearances, you will need to create 3 types of CSV records.

  • Email Records
  • Manifest Record
  • Shipment Records
  • Shipment record can contain 1 or many package line
  • Package lines can contain 1 or many goods lines

CSV files can be separeted with comma (,) TAB or other separator chars such as semicolon (;). IBC Air AAMS manifest only accepts fields separated with a comma (,).

Standard Air AMS Format

Email Records

You must declare an email record in this form:


if you need multiple emails add a scond or many other lines


Once imported the system will respond to either the success or failure addresses with a confirmation or rejection message.

Manifest Record

After your email line declarations you must submit 1 manifest line record with the form:


Please visit IBC Fullman Format - Manifest Records for the complete definition.

Shipment Records

After creating the master record you will need to report the shipment records associated with your import. Here is a sample record:

"hawb",13,,"6944223964344288173956",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.23","K","APX","USD",29,,"Collectible Toy",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Mbrpqmtfl ekfcaljsfec",,"051 KQEZT MI","WRVH 64","DUNELLEN","NJ","08812-1438","US",,,,,"CN",1049563

Please visit IBC Fullman Format - Shipment Records for the complete definition.

Handling CSV

You can use the standard convention CSV format described here: RFC4180 and we recommend the following conventions

  • Enclose all string with (") double quotes, specially if it is possible that a comma (,) is part of the text field.
  • Numeric values don't need to be closed in quotes. You can if you must.
  • Beware that viewing CSV files in Excel, will truncate large numbers (such as your house airwaybill field) and change yuor declared value to a different format. We recommend viewing your files in Notepad or other text editors.

Sample Files

Section 321 Clearances

In order to transmit Section 321 Clearances please ensure that your account has been approved for this type of transmission. Please check with your IBC Sales manager.

Additional Entry Records

To successfully transmit Section 321 Entries, your Air AMS file will need:

  • The standard Air AMS lines
  • A Section 321 record line
  • After each Shipment Record line you can define one or multiple Package lines, in turn each Package line can have 1 or multiple Goods lines - Definition below

Section 321 Record Line

Once approved by US CBP, you will receive an Section 321 Filer ID. You will report it to IBC in the following manner


This line should be reported before the Manifest Record Line and after your Email Record lines.

Package and Goods Line Definition

The Package Line has the following definition schema:

            COL   NUM   FIELD_NAME             NOTES
            ---   ---   ---------------------  -------------
            A      1    record_type ("package")
            B      2    record_version ("1")
            C      3    quantity
            D      4    package_awb
            E      5    barcode
            F      6    reference
            G      7    incoming_container
            H      8    vendor_code
            I      9    vendor_awb
            J     10    packaging
            K     11    description
            L     12    declared_value
            M     13    declared_value_currency
            N     14    weight
            O     15    weight_units            lb/kg/g
            P     16    dim_l
            Q     17    dim_w
            R     18    dim_h
            S     19    dim_units               in/m/cm/mm

The Goods Line has the following definition schema:

            COL   NUM   FIELD NAME               NOTES
            ---   ---   ---------------------    -------------
            A     1   record_type                always "good"
            B     2   record_version             always "2"
            C     3   quantity
            D     4   description
            E     5   good_url
            F     6   hts_code
            G     7   origin_country
            H     8   declared_value_per_quantity
            I     9   declared_value_currency
            J    10   weight_per_quantity
            K    11   weight_units
            L    12   order_id
            M    13   order_date
            N    14   list_price_per_quantity
            O    15   list_price_currency
            P    16   retail_price_per_quantity
            Q    17   retail_price_currency

The Goods Entity Line has the following definition schema:

            COL   NUM   FIELD NAME              NOTES
            ---   ---   ---------------------   -------------
            A     1   record_type               always "good_entity" or "hawb_entity"
            B     2   record_version            always "1"
            C     3   role_name	                See Entity Role Section below
            D     4   name
            E     5   address
            F     6   city
            G     7   state
            H     8   postal_code
            I     9   country
            J    10   phone
            K    11   email
            L    12   url

            Entity Role Section
            The Entity role_name should be one of the following (defined by CBP)



These are definitions applied by CBP to the Entity Roles:

            Shipment Initiator Name and Address (e.g., the entity that causes the movement
            of a shipment, which may be a seller, shipper, or manufacturer, but not a
            foreign consolidator).

            Final Deliver to Party Name and Address (e.g., the final entity to receive the
            shipment once it arrives in the United States, which may be a final purchaser
            or a warehouse, but not a domestic deconsolidator)

            Seller Name and Address (e.g., an international or domestic company that sells
            products on marketplaces and other websites)

            Buyer Name and Address, if applicable (e.g., the purchaser of a good from an
            online marketplace. This entity is not always the same as the final deliver to

            Further details would come from CBP, please review the documentation
            provided by CBP for the section 321 pilot program.

Manifest Reference

Here is a summarized manifest sample for an ordered reference. Copy and Paste into the test field for an example submission.

# The file can contain blank lines and comments introduced with "#".


# record_type,record_version,man_code,man_date,man_origin,man_dest,flight_info,mawb

# record_type,record_version,profile_key,hawb,ship_ref_num,internal_reference,vend_ref_num,origin,final_destination,outlying,service_provider,dls_station,dls_final_destination,num_pieces,weight,weight_unit,contents,currency_code,declared_value,insurance_amount,description,hts_code,fda_prior_notice,terms,packaging,service_type,collect_amount,cust_key,ship_acct_num,dls_acct_num,ext_cust_acct,shipper_name,shipper_address1,shipper_address2,shipper_city,shipper_state,shipper_zip,shipper_country,shipper_phone,consignee_person,consignee_company,consignee_street_1,consignee_street_2,consignee_city,consignee_state,consignee_postal_code,consignee_country,consignee_phone,consignee_email,consignee_tax_id,comment,goods_coo,incoming_container
"hawb",13,,"4475853025637753042180",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.21","K","APX","USD",29,,"Collectible Toy",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Tdggdtlpasl Ftyyrb",,"2277 KGNAIQGTU TKAZWI MK",,"MELBOURNE","FL","32904-8056","US",,,,,"CN",1049816
package,1,1,4475853025637753042180,,ref123,1001,,,P,"collectible toy",29,"USD","0.21","K",2,2,2,"in"
goods,2,1,"Sweet Scented Candle - 100% Was",https://www.thecandlemaker.com/item/1234456.html,,,,,,,,,,,,
"hawb",13,,"5845009938465331596614",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.32","K","APX","USD",200,,"painting",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Mvcpnut Yudghe",,"30 DPKXBJDG ZVVSA WP","CTN J","CATONSVILLE","MD","21228-5044","US",,,,,"AU",1049755
goods,2,1,"Candle Holder - brass",https://www.thecandlemaker.com/item/2646547.html,,,,,,,,,,,,
# info about the first good's seller
# info about the first good's shipper
goods,2,1,"War Craddle- Fabric+Charcoal",https://thecandlemaker.com/item/1246543.html,,,,,,,,,,,,

#goods, package and entity fields are optional

Type 86 Entries

Type 86 Entry processing requires the following steps to be completed:

  • The standard Air AMS lines with the HTS code reported
  • Submit normally
  • Send your prealert to the IBC port import team that this is a type-86 submsission - This step is part of the SOP instructions handed to you by your sales manager.

HTS references

The HTS column is column number 21 (colum U in Excel) of the type line 12 record.

Don't report the period char (.) in the IBC Air Manifest. For example if your HTS is code is: 6104.23.00.10 reported as: 6104230010 in the IBC HTS code column.

If you don't know your product's HTC code use this link: HTS Search tool, using your product description to retrieve the HTS code from US Trade Commision Site.

Type 92 Entries - Shipment Returns

In order to transmit Type 92 Entries please ensure that your account has been approved for these type of transmission. Please check with your IBC Sales manager.

Additional Entry Records

To successfully transmit Type 92 Entries, your Air AMS file will need:

  • The standard Air AMS lines
  • A Type 92 Record line to declare the entire manifest or a Type 92 post shipment line to declare a single shipment line
  • Each Shipment record be delared with the HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) code: 9801.00.2600

HTS Code declaration

Use the code 9801002600 on each shipment line that is being declared as a return. If declaring the entire manifest each line should have this HTS code.

Type 92 Record Line - To declare an entire manifest

You will report it to IBC in the following manner:


This line should be reported before the Manifest Record Line and after your Email Record lines.

Entire Manifest Example

Here is a sample of an entire master declaration.

mawb,1,OBGBA100016602,20191218,LHR,JFK,VS0045,932-57321784    "hawb",13,,"4475853025637753042180",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.21","K","APX","USD",29,,"Collectible Toy",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Tdggdtlpasl Ftyyrb",,"2277 KGNAIQGTU TKAZWI MK",,"MELBOURNE","FL","32904-8056","US",,,,,"CN",1049816
"hawb",13,,"5845009938465331596614",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.32","K","APX","USD",200,,"painting",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Mvcpnut Yudghe",,"30 DPKXBJDG ZVVSA WP","CTN J","CATONSVILLE","MD","21228-5044","US",,,,,"AU",1049755

Type 92 Post Shipment Record Line - To declare only some shipments as returns

If you need to report only some shipments in the manifest as Type 92 use this format:


This line should be reported after any type "hawb" shipment line to declare that shipment line as a return.

Only Some Manifest Example

In the following example only the shipment line with track 123464899 is reported as a return.

"hawb",13,,"12346455",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.21","K","APX","USD",29,,"Collectible Toy",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Tdggdtlpasl Ftyyrb",,"2277 KGNAIQGTU TKAZWI MK",,"MELBOURNE","FL","32904-8056","US",,,,,"CN",1049816
"hawb",13,,"123464899",,,,"HKG","JFK",,,,,1,"0.32","K","APX","USD",200,,"painting",9503000090,,,"B",,,,,,,"Gsocpai","324 COMTUIQIR PD",,"SHENZHEN",,90045,"CN","18339688669","Mvcpnut Yudghe",,"30 DPKXBJDG ZVVSA WP","CTN J","CATONSVILLE","MD","21228-5044","US",,,,,"AU",1049755